Monday, March 26, 2018

Some final pix...for now

The team is half-way home sitting in the Schiphzl Airport in Amsterdam. We have two more flights until we reach St. Louis to reunite with family and friends. There are so many stories to tell and emotions to share. We had a spectacular time in Kawete and will always feel connected to the people of Uganda.

Friday, March 23, 2018

A Full and Fabulous Day in Kawete!

The day began with supply purchases on our way to Kawete. Today, Days for Girls personal hygiene kits were distributed to 30 more girls (30 had been distributed in October and follow up surveying of those girls was very favorable). Bible studies were enjoyed by the students in the boys' and girls' dormitories. We met with many more sponsored students and we only have 4 out of 135 to see tomorrow. These children are so precious as they come to talk with us and have their picture and sponsor video taken. Fruit trees were planted and protected with chicken wire, new desks were stained, many patients were seen in the clinic and the multipurpose room mural was completed. So much JOY today under the hot Ugandan sun! God is good all the time...

Some final pix...for now

The team is half-way home sitting in the Schiphzl Airport in Amsterdam. We have two more flights until we reach St. Louis to reunite with fa...